
All rights of website are reserved by ICT Bulut Bilişim Inc. (Bulutistan).

All software products and text, articles, photos, images, documents, voice, markings and similar intellectual properties included in the contents of Bulutistan website are protected by copyrights and related legislations.

None of these products can be used without prior written permission of Bulutistan. Copying, reproduction, alteration, uninformed and unauthorized use and distribution of any of these products is prohibited by law.

Personal and Non-Commercial Use Limitations

In personal and non-commercial reproductions, where reproduction of up to one copy is allowed, it is mandatory to mention Bulutistan as the trademark or copyright owner.

2.1.2. Technical and Administrative Measures Taken to Prevent Illegal Access to Personal Data 

Our company takes technical and administrative measures according to the nature of the data to be protected, technological possibilities and application cost in order to prevent careless or unauthorized disclosure of, access, transfer or otherwise all illegal access to personal data.

(i)Technical Measures Taken to Prevent Illegal Access to Personal Data

Our company takes following primary technical measures to prevent illegal access to personal data:

Technical measures are taken in accordance with the developments in the technology, and the measures taken are updated and revised periodically.  

Access and authorization technical solutions are put into use in accordance with the legal compliance requirements determined by business unit. 

The technical measures taken are periodically reported to the relevant person, as required by the internal audit mechanism; necessary technological solutions are produced by reassessing the issues that pose a potential risk.

Software and hardware containing virus protection systems and firewalls are installed.

Personnel with technical knowledge are employed.

Kişisel Verilerin Koruması ile ilgili aydınlatma metnini okudum, bu kapsamda bilgilerimin işlenmesini ve saklanmasını kabul ediyorum.